Tutorial Folders

The two otherwise identical files below when expanded will create the entire folder tree needed for the EE174 labs. Follow the directions described in Lab-1, Capture:

EE174 Tutorial Project tree (RAR)
EE174 Tutorial Project tree (ZIP)

The following will create a general project tree you can use for later projects. These omit files/folders specific to EE174.

Default Project tree (RAR)
Default Project tree (ZIP)

A set of files exported from Orcad Layout's superior footprint library are contained in the following compressed files. Both are identical and contain over 7400 files. Because of size, expand either one in a folder outside of your project's directory tree so it doesn't get copied when you save your project to external media or on the cloud.

Pcb Orcad Layout Footprint Library (RAR)
Pcb Orcad Layout Footprint Library (ZIP)